I spent November and the first bit of December finishing up my show season. It has been a full year of numerous shows, and I am so thankful to everyone who came out to all of them. I began selling Christmas gifts as early as September and have created many custom orders given as gifts for friends and loved ones. Many of you shared your hearts and your journey. I heard stories of far off travels, of those grieving beginning their way on their healing journey, and of those who were fighting through a variety of hard circumstances. Many of you keep journals and reflect regularly, many of you sketch and "doodle". I can't count the number of times that you told me that you didn't have anything really important to write, but you write anyway. So do I. I write because it is good for my soul. It helps me stay aware and remember and make decisions. It also reminds me to play. Some of you even brought your journals and sketchbooks to me to show me the beautiful and fun ways that you are using them. Thank you. I deeply appreciate how you have shared yourselves with me in the incredibly diverse ways that you have. It is that sort of connection that makes doing this so rewarding. As I take a deep breath from this year of traveling from show to show often multiple weekends in a row, know that I am whispering prayers of gratitude for each and everyone of you.
November 19 ~ 20, 2011
Heritage Hall at the Lexington Center
Lexington, KY
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