I dreamt about wings last night. Large, gorgeous butterfly wings. I was walking down a gravel lane in the woods along a creek, and there were two stacks of them. Of course, I gathered them all up as carefully as I could. Upon waking, I knew I wanted to share about wings today. I've been interested in winged creatures since I was young. Angels in particular. I recall a couple of years ago complaining about my shoulders hurting and saying that my wings were coming in. When I was 18, I wanted wings tattooed on my back. I wanted big wings. I had medium-sized wings my freshman year in college. I wore them to dances, Halloween parties, and random get-togethers for years. Last month, I found myself creating fabric cocoons, hanging from a branch. Beautifully fragile. Potential. Waiting.
That was December. Then on New Year’s Eve, I found myself desiring wings again. I wanted to bring in the New Year wearing them. While that did not happen physically, I did find that I wore them energetically. If you were there, you probably saw them. They were real in their own way. What I didn't realize at the time was that they were setting the tone for my New Year's intentions. Let me just say that New Year's is my favorite holiday. I love the symbolism of starting fresh and recreating who you want to be, letting the parts of you go that did not serve you well. Usually, I reflect a lot going into January, and it's not that I didn't this year. However, it was different. I was quieter within myself. I didn't rush into figuring out how I wanted to change. I realized that what I wanted was intentions, and I meditatively waited for those to come. Several came in soft whispers throughout the first few weeks of January. Here are a couple that I want to share...
Transform: This brings to mind the image of a cocoon as well as the wings that emerge from it and all the capabilities they offer. This year, I want to give birth (and transform) into an even truer version of myself, embracing my own power and "bigness".
Be gentle with yourself: I have a tendency to be a bit of a slave-driver towards myself and be too harsh a critic. With this, I want to give permission to life being easier and not always something I have to fight through. I continue to also become aware that I don't have to suffer anymore.
What are your intentions for 2012?