Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive.
–Howard Thurman.
Ah, it's been a good four-week-run of festivals every weekend. I've thoroughly enjoyed the bit of traveling and meeting and spending time with so many wonderful people.
I participated in St. James Art Show a couple weeks ago in Old Town Louisville. Here is a peek at the fountain on St. James court in the wee hours of the morning. I found out when I was setting up that I was scheduled for a t.v. interview on Friday morning at 6am. I had planned to drive to Louisville on Friday from Lexington. This means et up really early. There was something nice about being at the show while it was dark and still, before all the bustling began. You can check out the t.v. interview here. The rest of the weekend was pretty constant. I got to see and meet some amazing customers and friends. Plus, my friends, Amanda and George, made me Vegan lasagna, which was quite tasty!

Last weekend, I was at the KY Guild's Fall Fair. It took place at the Indian Fort Theater, which has to be one of my favorite venues ever. All of the artists are literally in the woods along a trail. And with it being Fall, it couldn't have been prettier. Some of the leaves had changed, and the weather was sunny and fabulous. We could not have asked for a better weekend!